About the Author: Erik Wallin

Dr. Erik Wallin, Chief Ecosystem Officer, and founder of ProptechOS and RealEstateCore is recognized as a leader in Building Operating Systems (BOS) and making the world's buildings smarter. He holds an MSc and a Ph.D. in Media and Computer Science from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. ProptechOS transforms real estate portfolios into platforms for innovation, analysis, and optimization. He is an active researcher in semantic technologies and turning buildings into data-driven smart cities. You can contact Erik by emailing: erik@idunrealestate.com

Posts by Erik Wallin

Exciting Announcement for Almedalen Political Week!

Exciting Announcement for Almedalen Political Week! We are thrilled to share that two esteemed individuals from member companies of the Real Estate Core Consortium will be attending Almedalen's Political Week in Sweden. If you are passionate about the digitalization of buildings and eager to explore new opportunities in this dynamic field, We encourage you to reach out to John and Kaj to schedule a meeting during this event. They are eager to connect with fellow enthusiasts and engage in stimulating discussions. John Wibrand: With extensive expertise in real estate technology, John brings invaluable insights [...]

By |juni 14th, 2023|Categories: Realestatecore|Kommentarer inaktiverade för Exciting Announcement for Almedalen Political Week!

Realcomm | IBcon 2023: Past, Present and Future of Real Estate Technology

Realcomm | IBcon 2023: Past, Present and Future of Real Estate Technology IBcon 2023 at Ceasars Palace, Las Vegas, NV – June 14-15, 2023 As the industry-leading event at the crossroads of commercial real estate, technology, and innovation, Realcomm | IBcon 2023 is delighted to announce a dynamic panel discussion on “The New Age of Open: Paving the Road for Smart Building Data Interoperability.” The conversation will be moderated by James McHale, an influential figure from Memoori, with critical insights from a panel of renowned experts across the industry. We are thrilled to [...]

By |juni 1st, 2023|Categories: Realestatecore|Kommentarer inaktiverade för Realcomm | IBcon 2023: Past, Present and Future of Real Estate Technology

RealEstateCore version 4 is in General Availability!

RealEstateCore version 4 is in General Availability! A new era has begun A new era has begun with the release of the latest version of RelaEstateCore that incorporates Brick Schema. Finally it has left the Public Preview state and are now ready to be used in the wild. Thanks to all that have contributed with feedback and proposals making the REC v.4 a very polished release. RealEstateCore 4 New Features We now release RealEstateCore as both SHACL (RDF Shapes Constraint Language) and DTDL (Digital [...]

By |februari 15th, 2023|Categories: Realestatecore|Kommentarer inaktiverade för RealEstateCore version 4 is in General Availability!

Thursday February 9, the General Assembly for the RealEstateCore Consortium was held.

Thursday February 9, the General Assembly for the RealEstateCore Consortium was held. Some highlights from 2022: In 2022, we have focused on developing version 4 of the ontology in collaboration with the Brick Schema consortium. On August 29, the collaboration was launched with a joint webinar. New members have been welcomed: Hufvudstaden, Acuity Brands, and Fastighetsägarna. 2022 year's RECcon was made in collaboration with Brick Schema Brick-RECcon22 in digital format. More than 200 people attended. Looking forward, the RealEstateConsortium and its members are focusing on expanding REC [...]

By |februari 10th, 2023|Categories: Realestatecore|Kommentarer inaktiverade för Thursday February 9, the General Assembly for the RealEstateCore Consortium was held.

On-demand webinar: A new standard is now available to use for harmonization between two smart building metadata standards

Webinar: A new standard is now available to use for harmonization between two smart building metadata standards Cooperation between leading industry standards supercharges the digital transformation of the real estate and smart building industry This webinar presents how the cooperation between leading industry standards, Brick Consortium and RealEstateCore, supercharges the digital transformation of the real estate and smart building industry. The two groups are making it easier to create rich semantic models of smart buildings and real estate portfolios. Currently, at-scale digital transformation in the real estate industry, within [...]

By |augusti 31st, 2022|Categories: Realestatecore|Kommentarer inaktiverade för On-demand webinar: A new standard is now available to use for harmonization between two smart building metadata standards

A new standard is now available to use for harmonization between two smart building metadata standards

A new standard is now available to use for harmonization between two smart building metadata standards Cooperation between leading industry standards supercharges the digital transformation of the real estate and smart building industry Today the Brick Consortium and RealEstateCore announce the availability of a public preview release of the new standard that makes it easier to create rich semantic models of smart buildings and real estate portfolios. Currently, at-scale digital transformation in the real estate industry, within and across organizational boundaries, is challenging because of the number of competing smart [...]

By |augusti 30th, 2022|Categories: Realestatecore|Kommentarer inaktiverade för A new standard is now available to use for harmonization between two smart building metadata standards

Brick Schema and RealEstateCore announce a major harmonization effort between two smart building metadata standards

Brick Schema and RealEstateCore announce a major harmonization effort between two smart building metadata standards Cooperation between leading industry standards supercharges the digital transformation of the real estate and smart building industry Today the Brick Consortium and RealEstateCore announce the two groups are making it easier to create rich semantic models of smart buildings and real estate portfolios. Currently, at-scale digital transformation in the real estate industry, within and across organizational boundaries, is challenging because of the number of competing smart building metadata standards. These standards often have significant overlap [...]

By |juli 1st, 2022|Categories: Realestatecore|Kommentarer inaktiverade för Brick Schema and RealEstateCore announce a major harmonization effort between two smart building metadata standards
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